Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Importance of a Plot

It is true that every story has a beginning and an end to it, what makes the story is the small and big details that are in between.  Atwood “Happy Endings” and Welty “A Worn Path” are complete contrast of each other.
Atwood “Happy Endings” shows you the importance a plot makes to a story.  She also claims that every ending is the same no matter how you tell the story. The reason why every story has the same ending is because everyone has the same ending as well; we all die. Atwood tells us in a direct and honest way.
Welty “A Worn Path” shows you how important the plot is to your story. Without the plot in this story you would not have read the journey that Phoenix Jackson went through to get her grandson his medicine.  All you would of got was an older lady traveling to get her grandson his medicine.
Details is what makes a story good and interesting, without good details you fail to keep the readers interested. Details are meant to keep any questions at minimum while the reader is reading.
“Happy Endings” tell you the technique of writing a plot while “A Worn Path” shows you in a story the plot of it. At the end of the day, having a detailed plot is important to have in a story. It keeps the readers interested and answer many questions you may have.

Atwood, Margaret. “Happy Endings”. Kennedy, X. J. and Dana Gioia, eds. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. 4th

  Edition.  New York: Longman, 2012. Print.

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